Monday, July 23, 2012

The Queen’s brawl with Miss Piggy

Last Friday, the Queen told me about the “fete de geneve”, which is a festival in Geneva with various shows, concerts, funfairs… and bars. She said she will be checking it out over the weekend with her husband, Chocolate.

This morning, she reported the following:

Queen: I have big story to tell you about last weekend.

Frou: What? What? Tell!

Queen: So, Chocolate and I were at one of the makeshift bars created for the fete de geneve. We were occupying half part of the table that was reserved. They said we can stay until the other group come. As the other group started coming, we started standing up until this fat ugly Swedish girl came and told Chocolate, “You know these seats are reserved, I want you to move NOW!”

Frou: How rude!

Queen: Ya, and she kept saying that quite rudely so Chocolate got mad. He said, “Fine, wait for me to finish my beer and I will move” but she kept telling him to move now. He repeated what he said and she knocked the beer out of his hands and spilled it on him!

Frou: Oh my!

Queen: Another mate of mine went to get him another beer but Chocolate didn’t get out of the seat. Instead, he poured the beer on her cleavage!

Frou: No way!

Queen: THEN, she started to hit him! A few of us went to intervene because we don’t want it to seem like he is assaulting her cos he will sure get arrested but he didn’t hit back. By this time, there were two other girls (fat girl’s friends) were hitting him too. Finally, the fight was broken up by people and the management. Oh, in between all this, I told fat girl, “Honey, good luck finding a man like this.”

Frou: How did she reply?

Queen: She said, “You two are ugly”. Then I said, “OH MY! Have you looked at yourself in the mirror lately?!”

Frou: Hahahaha!

Queen: I added, “I can assure you that the whole of the fete would agree that we are much better looking than you.”

Frou: What did she say?

Queen: She said, “I look at it every day and I am happy.” I replied, “Then you better look much harder.”

Frou: Hahahahhaa!

Queen: Somehow, everyone was on our side. All the people were coming up to me and telling me she is so crass. I swear, I was not at all angry. I was already a little tipsy and thought it was funny. THEN……. to keep it classy..........I bought a bunch of roses from the Bangladeshi guys who always go around and sell flowers and I WENT TO GIVE IT TO HER...........

Frou: WOW! Good move!

Queen: I said, “Honey, there is really more to life” and I left!


Queen: But, she truly was very ugly and fat. In fact, she looks like a bad version of Miss Piggy so, it didn't help her. I tell you, if she was good looking blond and slim, people would have been on her side. That’s just how the world works! I was surprised people were taking Chocolate's side over a girl. I think they scared he start hitting them cause he is so big sized. By the way, throughout all this, people were like “call the police! call the police!” Lucky no police came otherwise very ma fan. Then, we couldn’t continue our night

Frou: How did the night end then?

Queen: Ended with me hugging the dustbin to puke lah. Not my finest moment!!

Frou: But fighting with Miss Piggy certainly is!

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