Thursday, July 12, 2012

Recently, I have been having this recurring dream that my hair was cut very short.

My hair (in “real life”) is long, messy and curly. It has been this way ever since I got obsessed with the Korean damsel in distress look i.e. long wavy way whipping about the wind while I ride pillion behind a handsome Korean man on his motorbike (obviously we are not wearing helmets; vanity over safety) as we dodge the bad guys giving chase. The thought of having short hair (that does not move with the wind), as you can imagine, is very distressing for me. Pun intended!

What’s more, in my recurring dreams, I look terrible in short hair. In one such dream, I questioned The Toe (a regular in my dreams) why she never commented on my short hair. She said everyone has been trying to avoid talking about my new hairstyle because it is so UGLY. Oh dear!

The strange thing is, in all of these dreams, I will be so distressed with my short hair that I will pray that I was just dreaming. In other words, in my dream, I hope I was dreaming! In fact, in my dream, I will pinch myself to check and when nothing changes, I cry. When I finally wake up (proper), the first thing I do is check my hair and thank the heavens that it is still long.

This same dream happen so often these days that it is no longer distressing but super annoying. I have bruised marks on my arms where I pinched myself in my dream which only means I was actually pinching myself in my sleep! Also, I realize that of late, I am starting to accept having short hair in my dream. Like last night, when I dreamt I had short hair again, I went back to the saloon to ask for a color job as well.

Finally, today I went on Google to find out what this dream means. According to Dreams Dictionary, “having your hair cut against your will represents a loss of freedom, power or status. Some aspect of yourself is giving in to unwanted changes in your life. It reflects an undesirable change in your life.”

What the what??

Loss of freedom?? (My wings still unclipped what)

Loss of power and status? (Are my minions planning a coup against me (again)??)

Or does it mean I am past the age of becoming a damsel in distress?

Or that I can never be Korean?

Or is the universe simply telling me it is time for me to (finally) get this mop out of my face?

Dreams…. bah!!

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