Monday, July 16, 2007


Farang (in Thai: ฝรั่ง), sometimes pronounced falang, is the generic Thai word for a foreigner of European ancestry. While generally farang is a neutral word, it can be used in a mocking manner, or even as an insult depending on context. For instance, the expression "farang ta nam khao" (listen (help·info)) (Thai: ฝรั่งตาน้ำข้าว (in Thai: ฝรั่งตาน้ำข้าว, which literally means farang with rice-milk-colored iris) would be considered an insult (Source: Wikipedia)

"Men in Malaysia handsome?", asked my Thai taxi driver.

I thought about it and replied, "Thai men more handsome".

He was almost sad when he said, "But Thai ladies no like Thai men".

"Thai men no good?", I poked fun.

"Thai men very good. Thai men take care of ladies. But Thai ladies like Western men. But Western men no good", he lamented.

I couldn't resist asking: "Why Western men no good?"

He replied factually, "Because Western men no treat ladies good. They make ladies pay 50-50 for taxi"

Actually, the above conversation couldn't have come at a more perfect timing because just the night before, another perfect example of why 'Western men no good' was thrown in my face.

I was at Sirocco, this chic bar on the rooftop of the Dome, State Tower. It was a hangout for the "high so" (the Thai shortform for high society") where drinks are grossly overpriced and Thai waitresses speak perfect English. Granted the view from this 64th floor bar is absolutely gorgeous; you can turn yourself 360 degree and all you see is infinite endless city lights including the length of the Chao Praya River.

I was talking to two 'Western men', friends of my girlfriend. They both reside in Bangkok and have travelled extensively in Asia. So they were telling me stories of their experiences. It was interesting and I wasn't not enjoying the conversation (let's just say, this scene is not a common sight for reasons only known to close friends) until one of them mentioned something:

"Yeah and why not? All Asian girls like Western men"

Excuse me????!!!

My face must have gave away my sentiments because he asked, "You don't think so? You don't like Western men??"

I replied, "Of course I don't think so. Why should all Asian women like Western men?

He began explaining me how revered he feels in Asia because white people are always given preferential treatment. Even coming up to Sirocco, the waitress offered them security lounges automatically. As part of the preferential package, of course this includes the local women. They do not lack attention and worship from local women everywhere in Asia.

At this point, you could poach an egg in my blood. To be fair, his comment is not untrue. It is not the fact of the matter but his 'I'm a Western God' white supremacy attitude which really got to me.

He insists (again) that all Asian women like Western man. This obnoxious idiot was unfazed and continued to pester me as to why I think likewise.

Now this idiot is not good looking (in fact, he is VERY far from it) and personality-wise, well, it leaves a lot to be desired. Do I break the news to him the REAL reason why Asian women would even give him time of the day? Or do I shut up to give face to my girlfriend because he is, after all, her friend?

I gritted my teeth and thought about the book I read a week ago called "The Rules of Life" by Richard Templer. Therein, the author advised that there is no reason for anyone, who knows better, to be nasty to stupid, ignorant and obnoxious people. When you are on the edge of saying something really nasty to them, give yourself a moment by counting to ten backwards.

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2.........1

"Look," I said, "The answer to such questions is objective. It is as simple as some people liking apples while others prefer oranges. There is no rule to say that everyone MUST like apples. For your information only, MOST asian women like western men because of *ahem*their money. Now if you would excuse me, I need to go powder my nose."

I do feel for my Thai taxi driver...

PS: I do not dislike 'Western men'. I am friends with many of them and have lived abroad amongst them. Some of the nicest people I ever met are Westerners because they are open-minded, friendly and most of all, they can laugh at themselves - a trait that is lacking in a lot of Asians. But I have no tolerance for white men who comes to Asia with mentality like the idiot above.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear frou frou,

A very interesting entry. As a resident of Singapore, I have to agree with the both of you. Often, Singapore men are in the losing corner. Girls, despite being professional and educated tend to see Western men as "thier ticket out of here". They DO get preferential treatment in clubs, restaurant and generally do have a bigger pay packet. They have more money to travel, spend on eating out etc.

My female friends always lament that Singaporean men are conservative and do not know how to treat thier women right. But, I think the bottom line is, its also a status symbol. How can I fight bringing back my girlfriend to Tampines, where else the Western man brings his girlfriend back to London or Sydney?

There are very few girls like you who don't prefer Western men.Thank you.It gives us ordinary Singapore guys a chance at finding the right girl in our own home.