Tuesday, June 12, 2012

I just found out I have to walk down the aisle next week.

The news came in an email yesterday from Secretary Pig reminding me to attend her wedding rehearsal next Thursday. I replied asking what I will be rehearsing (I was thinking crowd herder) and she said I have to walk down the aisle before she does.

(In case it is not clear yet, I am the “brideslave”, not the bride.)

I tried to recall whether I had to do the same thing when I was bridesmaid before and turns out, I did – but I was always accompanied by flower girls. Which reminds me, there was this one particular flower girl that I had to carry down the aisle once. The child wasn’t friendly and in the wedding timetable, the bride actually inserted a 15 minutes slot for “Frou to acquaint herself with flower girl and make sure she follows Frou down the aisle”. I kid you not. I did my best to ‘acquaint myself’ with that spawn of … but she was inconsolable. In the end, I literally dragged her down the aisle, teary-eyed and all. Gawd, I hope I don’t need to drag anyone else down the aisle in my lifetime – especially not my husband to be.

Anyway, thank goodness Secretary Pig is doing away with flower girls and ring bearer boys. She said she will not deal with situations where children “may or may not walk down the aisle”. Hah! So that left me wondering whether I will be walking down the aisle by myself.

Frou: But wait. Didn’t Pippa Middleton walked behind Kate Middleton and carried her train during the walk in?
Secretary Pig: That one is queen to be lah. Her train is 5m long. Mine is only 0.5m.
Frou: Then can I be creative while I’m in front?
Secretary Pig: You can do whatever you want.

You know what would be a really cool walk in?


Beauty Box said...

LOL at your previous brideslave experience...yeah Secretary Pig made the sensible choice. We had a flower boy that had to be carried although he could walk because he had quite a mind of his own and didn't find the aisle interesting at all. But FYI, some "flower children" appoint themselves before you ask them so there is no getting out of it. So Secretary Pig is v lucky on this particular front. haha...good luck!!

The Queen said...

Does this mean you are the new butt of the world!!!!! I shall set up a Facebook page about your ass immediately!

imp said...

I'm not even sure I should dare you to do a jig in front of the bride on this walk down the aisle. *poker face