Monday, April 09, 2007

Heed the mind or heart?

I once read somewhere that our own self is the vault of answers for every question in this world. Meaning, if you ask yourself a question (any question) and if dig hard enough within yourself - you will always find the answer.

But Plato says that we are born knowing everything, but our life is process of forgeting.

That is to say that as we grow, we tend to take on beliefs and standards of others around us. In trying to walk the moralistically sensible road expected of us, we tend to lose our true selves along with the ability to answer even the simpliest of questions.

What do I want in life?
What is my goal for happiness?
What should I eat for dinner?
Should I go out with a man who looks good on paper or in speedos?
Do I call in sick because the sun is shining and I wanna lay by the pool?
Should I get a smaller size dress so that I will be motivared to lose weight to fit in it?

Lately, I am beginning to find it hard to answer non-factual questions. I hear the words in the head. I feel them differently in my heart. When I open my mouth, I spout gibberish.

Is it lack of vacabulary? I doubt. I suspect it is just a classic case of the disconnection between the heart and the mind.

Every great philosopher from Gandhi to George Michael speaks of making the mind subservient to the heart. Accordingly, your mind creates the world around you but the human heart feels things your eyes cannot see and your mind cannot understand.

But it is well for the heart to be naive but the mind must never be. If we heed every darn thing our human hearts tells us, won't we just degenerate into a hedonistic creature of vices?

So now my heart is telling me that I want to go home and eat bacon all day long in front of the TV and screw my job. But my mind say that if I do that, I will end up a fat slobbering mess with no life prospects.

My heart also tells me that I want to go out and seek every thrill in life and not be afraid of making mistakes over and over again. But my mind say that if I do that, I am just wasting time which could be better utilised by investing in an earlier retirement.

There are some people who live in a dream world, and there are some who face reality: and then there are those who turn one into the other.

What am I?


Adrian Choo said...

You are my estranged ex-wife who took me to the cleaners. How's that for purpose in life!?

Frou said...

Well, at least I achieved that and moved on whereas you are still conivingly harping secret thoughts of revenge while dodging alimony payment all these years. You should heed the law and pay up! *wink*

Anonymous said...

I think you should go out with a man that looks good in speedos. If you want intellectual stimulation, just pick up the phone and call a clever person. But if the man is ugly, CALAT man! You are stuck! You will have a bad sex life and you wouldn't even want to have an intellectual conversation cause you cant stand looking at his face!