Tuesday, February 09, 2010

If you can get an angmoh, I also can.

I had a department CNY dinner tonight, and I just got home and am sitting in my underwear (can’t button up the jeans so might as well) on my couch surfing the Net because I am too full to move so I decided to keypoh around Facebook for lack of nothing better to do, and oh my gawd, I just saw pictures of this girl I vaguely know (let’s call her Carol) prancing around in a teeny weeny bikini with some topless angmoh.

Please don't think I'm some kind of perv who like to see pics of prancing scantily clad chicks but the reason why those pictures pique my interest is because Carol is a girlfriend of my friend, George, who, as I recall from my not-so-rusty memory, is a CHINESE boy!

So I went on to click on Carol's profile, and she has a picture of her kissing the same angmoh guy in the same teeny weeny bikini as her profile picture. And there were many in your face status updates from her about him – My baby this, and my baby that, and ooh I love my baby so much.

Oh dear!!!

Anyway, I met George a couple of years back on Valentine Day because he was here in Singapore for work so a bunch of us singles went out to celebrate Valentine getting drunk together. Well, George is not single but Carol wasn’t there with him because she was travelling. Anyway, George was a nice dude, I remember. Or maybe I didn’t remember, I was quite drunk. Anyway I think he is nice because he excused himself at midnight to give Carol a call to wish her happy valentines. That’s sweet.

So fast forward a year later, I got a chance to meet Carol at some party where George also attended. Gosh, she is this model-like creature with super long jet black silky hair, flawless complexion and legs that never ends. And she is super friendly as well, and we got to talking. The next day, she added me on Facebook so that’s how she ended up on my friends list.

But now I am super curious because just a couple of months ago, I saw pictures of George and Carol floating around on Facebook so I assume that means they are still tight. So why is her endless heavenly legs now wrapped around some near naked angmoh dude?

So I clicked on George’s facebook profile just to check what’s the deal from his end. Based on my recollection of his adoration of her, I was expecting to see forlorn pictures of him flat on his face, unnatural weight loss and comments from his friends to the tune of ‘Hang in there’, ‘Her loss, not yours’, or ‘Tomorrow will be a better day’ but lo behold, his profile picture is now one of him TOPLESS and with some ANGMOH CHICK hanging off him!!


My next step? I clicked on the angmoh chick’s profile for good measure, and I found out that she is also a model AND check this out - her profile pic shows her pranching around in a teeny weeny bikini, kissing George!!


Ok now I feel bad for prying but if you put it all up there in Facebook, surely you meant for all your friends to see this display of 'who is better off now, hur hur hur?', right? Anyway what amuses me more, is that Facebook is now the quintessential tool to get back at your ex! It's free, effective and just as vindictive. Goodbye to splashing paint on your ex's car!

Ok enough of kepoh-ing. Getting off the couch now....

1 comment:

imp said...

Precisely why fb is sometimes more exciting than People.com