Friday, August 01, 2008

Blown away

My birthday is coming up *ahem* and being the Leo that I am, I have dictated to my friends and loved ones what I wanted for presents. (No, I am not shy.)

But before you think I went around asking for LV bags and Feragammo shoes, I must explain how low maintenance I am…

Frou: I went shopping with the Boy for my birthday present last night!
The Queen: Ohh so sweet. Where to? Tifanny’s?
Frou: Err.. no.
The Queen: Poh Kong?
Frou: Erm… *shifts uncomfortably in seat*.
The Queen: SK Jewellery??
Frou: Best Denki.
The Queen: ……

Anyway, we went to Best Denki on my request because I wanted a new fancy-schmancy turbo hairdryer to maximize my “make beauty” time. I am thinking something along the lines of what Mr. Vidal Sassoon himself will use at home.

So we went to the hair accessories section and stare gormlessly at the display of hairdryers and styling props. A fat Best Denki salesman came by and asked us whether we need any help. I accepted Fatty’s help by picking out two hairdryers (one Phillips and the other, Panasonic) of similar price and I asked him to recommend which one to get.

Fatty frowned slightly but quickly respond that the Panasonic is better because it has “ionic-ity”. It is my turn to frown because clearly written on the side of the Phillips hairdryer is the word “IONIC”. I pointed this out to Fatty who replied, “Oh yah hor!”

So we decide to abandon Fatty and conduct our own self-review. After going through all the selection, we took a break, check out other household ware in the store, came back to the hair section, pulled on hair, fidget about, read a couple of descriptions – and we decided (phew) to go for the Phillips hairdryer only because the box reads: “The brand which top hair stylist will use at home.”

As we are bringing the box to the cashier for payment, we were intercepted by another Best Denki salesman – a skinny one with his hair fringe covering his eyes, like Jay Chou. “Miss, you want to test first?”

Seeing no harm, I followed him to the testing corner. As he plugged in my hairdryer, he casually asked, “Miss, do you know about Phillips hairdryer?” I told him as a matter of fact, I do because my old one is a Phillips. He then ask me whether I detect a burning smell whenever I use my old Phillips hairdryer and I have to admit that I do!

Apparently, Mr. Jay Chou here (unlike Fatty) is very knowledgeable on hair drying equipments and he gave me the lowdown on why I should not pick the hairdryer that I just did. (I shall not discredit the brand so I will not describe the reasons here.) Anyhow he recommended me to get the Braun hairdryer instead – the same one The Boy earlier commented that we probably shouldn’t get because “Braun only makes good toothbrushes”. Yikes!

Mr. Jay Chou showed me two Braun hairdryesr and described to me their functions. Apparently, unlike most others, Braun hairdryers have inbuilt ionic emission which means it gives out negative ions together with the air flow. Negative ions are important because it prevents your hair from drying out and becoming frizzy. Further, it has a “satin protect” feature whereby the heat can be controlled below 70 degrees.

The Boy and I stared at the two Braun hairdryer. One is shaped like a mini steel spaceship with neon lights (2100 watts) and the other is a white boat-like apparatus (1900 watts). The price difference is $40. Which one will Mr. Vidal Sassoon choose?

I asked Mr. Jay Chou which is the best hairdryer in that shop and he pointed to the spaceship and said, “Miss, I am telling you, there is no more BEST than this one.”

With a statement like that, how to not buy??!!

I love my new turbo spaceship hairdryer. It is so powerful I have to be careful not to be blown away. Now I have satin-smooth hair *flicks mane* and The Boy is happy too because his hair dries in 10 seconds flat with it.

Thanks BB! :)

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