Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Things don't happen for a reason

For the longest time ever, I believed that everything in this world happen for a reason.

A divine reason, in fact. Kismet. It is the explanation why things are the way they are. Because God meant for it to happen that way. It is written in the stars the day you are born thereafter the master plan is subsequently stamped on your forehead.

In fact, it is my favourite explanation as to why certain tragedies occur. To a wailing friend who just got dumped, I say "God made this happen so that you can find someone better." To a friend who didn't get the scholarship grant, I say "God meant for you to do something else instead." To a friend who missed the bus, I say "God made this happen because something bad might happen if you board it anyway."

I recently read a book that challenges this belief. Simply, the book says that there is no such thing as predestined fate.

When God created us, He gave us a very powerful tool - the mind. The human mind is a very powerful source of energy. With this infinite source, we are capable of affecting everything around us. This means whatever we do or think, we create.

Your circumstances and everything that happens to you is created either by yourself or others around you. It is the 'cause and effect' theory. Things DO happen for a reason - only because another thing has caused it.

My friend got dumped because her lousy boyfriend wants to get rid of her. My friend didn't get the scholarship because they offered it to someone else instead. My friend missed the bus because the bus has left because the driver wanted to end his shift earlier.

Or because she has been a lousy gf, he wasn't convincing enough during the interview or she is just simply down in luck (it happens).

God is not a puppet-master, pulling our strings and leading us into directions we wouldn't have gone otherwise. You are where you are this very minute because of the choices you have made in life. Yes, you are a result of all your past decisions (good and bad).

When someone say that "God has guided them back into the right path", they are actually just saying that they have come to realised the folly of their mistake (through divine intervention or otherwise) which subsequently changes their mindset. Things will indeed get better because, with the new mindset, you begin to create better things for yourself.

This simple theory is not meant to undermine God's supremacy but merely highlights that when things go wrong, the first thing you should do is to examine and take control of your mind instead of raising your fists to heaven and shouting "Why me?".

Then get down your knees and pray for strength to carry through what your mind set out to do.....

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