Saturday, August 25, 2007

"We are 30-something MUST find boy NOW"

I had a very interesting dinner with some of my single 30-something female friends last night.

Dinner started with a recap of the invitees who didn't show up (we call such no-shows 'fong fei kei'). The discussion targetted one particular non-attendee (also a single female in her early 30s) who has a habit of not going out much. It was agreed that if this carries on, she will surely end up an old decrepit old woman without a man.

Please note that old decrepit women without a man always end up dying alone in their apartment and eaten up by their hungry cats. Eyes first because that is the softest crunchiest part. (DailyToe, please take note)

The bingo word 'singlehood' finally appeared at this point when someone said, "Excuse me, I couldn't even deal with my own singlehood let alone care about hers!"

Second hour into dinner, the discussion is still on how single women cannot afford to shy away from social functions because men will not fall from the sky and onto our laps. If a girl do not put herself out there, she have NIL chance to meet men. As it is, the pool of single men is so limited. All the good ones are already taken up, are gays or turned gay. Then there are the wayward good ones who doesn't know what they want yet (commitment phobes) so we need to give them another 5 years to grow up.

By this time, everyone started getting worried that we all might end up decrepit old women without a man.

So it was confirmed after length discussions that the 2 readily available pools of men that are accessible at this point are: (1) Newly divorced men who realised they 'married wrongly' the first time round, and (2) Ang Moh expats who just moved to Singapore and is lost and confused.

The third hour was spent talking about how we can AVOID ending up decrepit old women without a man. Yes, we need to put ourselves out there but where? The topic of speed dating, group dating etc. came up. Someone pointed out a particular program where you pay $40 and you can offer up you house to fit 3 other couples for either appetiser, main or desserts. Then you go to somebody's else house for the next course. In that way, you get to go to 2 different locations for the entire meal and meet at least 12 people in one night.

All throughout dinner, I couldn't get a single word in. Everyone was on the roll and emotions were running high. Think Tyra Banks Show.

I sat there hugging my knees, defeated and wide eyed - taking it all in, secretly enjoying this "We are 30-something MUST find boy NOW" discussion.

Well, you see, I haven't reach the big 3-0 yet but when I do, I will be plenty glad I know all these tips!

Here's sharing.

Maybe there are boys under my couch...


Daily Toe said...

Eh, you young thing...we old fogeys need to plan for our future and listen to Engelbert Humperdinck. "Please release me, let me gooooo..." *bursts into song*

Anonymous said...

If you or your friends find the perfect solution, please don't hesitate to share it with me.

turning 30 in 2 years,

Anonymous said...

Time to do a post on my cunning plan? Or are you keeping secret for yourself. I might just do that if I were you.